Thursday 5 February 2015

The Last Survivor Part 5

The crippled body lay there motionless. No movement could be detected by Steven. He stood there trying to understand what it was saying its not something he wanted to touch but what if it's just some clever prank some kid is pulling. But as Steven is thinking about it Mr Dionne says "Get down here there's more!" as Steven looks ands sees a trapdoor he has never seen before.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

The Last Survivor Part 4

Outside the window was a man. But something was wrong. Very wrong. His face was decayed like a dead person came back to life. But if that was true that would mean that there were zombies but they aren't real. Right? Steven recoiled as he saw it and then Mr. Dionne grabbed a baseball bat from the corner and smashed it in the face.

Wonder Literary Essay

Wonder Literary Essay

In Wonder by R.J Palacio there is a boy named August who has a genetic facial disorder and he was home schooled until 5th grade when he goes to school for the first time. He has to over go bullies calling him names and being jerks. He also had to overcome what he thinks about himself and how he is perfect on the inside. He had to go through bullies being mean to him and embarrassment and parents giving him strange looks and lots of friend troubles. He also had to go through assignments and tests but he is very smart so he was fine even though he was home schooled all his life. I think the theme is that it's not what you look like but it's what's on the inside.
  Throughout the story August makes lots of friends that would help him no matter what. For example one of Augusts’ friends named Amos fights for him when some bully's are attacking him and his friend Jack. Then Julian the bullies friends also help. They become friends with Auggie. And Jack helps Auggie not be afraid of bullies and stuff. Auggie makes a friend named summer and they have there own table together and are best friends on Auggie's first day at school. Jack even punches Julian when he says Auggie is messed up and was making fun of him. And his sister via’s boyfriend is really nice to August too. It shows he grew socially and made friends for life.
  Also in the story August has a war with a bully named Julian who is a jerk to August. Julian would leave mean notes in Augusts’ locker and make fun of him. He called him Darth Sidious the old, twisted evil lord from Star Wars. He also made Jack say he would die if he were him. Julian was very mean and also made fun of jack even though they were best friends. Jack had a sled but then Julian makes fun of it and Jack gets mad and Julian is being a jerk about it and Jack tells Auggie and they get really mad at Julian for it. But he had lots of friends to help him and they overcame Julian. It shows that August has become stronger and now has lots of bravery and doesn't care what people think of his face.
  By the end of the story August doesn't care about his face. He doesn’t care when people look at him weird and is normal with people going whoa. But almost everybody in the school likes him. He laughs at a joke Jack makes and talks about it normally. He does sometimes think about it but then he decides that he is perfect the way he is like everybody that is nice. He is aware but does not care about it and he acts completely normal about it. It shows how much August has grown.
  August knows that it not what's on the outside it’s what is on the inside. He says to himself that he is nice and he is perfect on the inside. His sister loves him and would protect him no matter what. She gets mad when people say he is a freak. This is like real life because there are kids that have things like this in real life and people judge them because of it. At the end of the story Aggie gets a kindness award "So will August Pullman please come up and get the award". In the end Auggie gets the kindness award. He made lots of friends

Tuesday 3 February 2015

The Last Survivor Part 3 (I-2-15)

Steven saw his science teacher Mr. Dionne and some other kids with an expression mixed with fear and mystery. They were as confused as him. He walked over to Mr. Dionne and asked "What is going on! This is a joke right?" But he answered "No." Steven had a look of surprise on his face. He was speechless. But then he looked outside.