Friday 30 January 2015

Upside Down in the Middle of Nowhere

Upside Down in the Middle of Nowhere

In the book Upside Down in The Middle of Nowhere by Julie T. Lamana there is a girl named Armani. It is her birthday weekend
but hurricane Katrina is about to hit. In the story Armani has to survive the storm.
 She has to sacrifice many things and people if she wants to survive the terrible storm.
I think the moral of this story is that no matter how bad it gets it will get better. 

  In/Throughout the story Armani faces many loses, but then gets back on her feet
in the end. For example Armani loses her grandma
from not enough air and age. And her puppy
, "Cricket” who she got her birthday. She had wanted a dog when “Saw an old woman selling little puppies. She looked like as witch”
Her brother, and dog go overboard on there roof.
And her mom almost gets left on there roof. Then at the super dome
Armani and her sisters are told to stay at a spot so that her mom can get medical help for Kheelin,
Armani’s little brother. But Armani finds her mom at a hospital at a refugee camp
which they were sent to by her uncle’s friend from the military
who guided them to the busses and there weren’t enough spots for all of them so her cousin got off for her.

 And her brother and best friend at a donut shop. But then she found out that her dad
hadn’t made it but her brother had lived and her cousin and best friend had made it and her cousin’s
dad took them with a person in red

 Armani was friends with because she helped them out a lot. This shows that things will get somewhat better. 

  Also in the story Armani loses everything she has including family, home, and prized possessions.
For example she loses all her possessions that she knows very well and loves. She loses her birthday cake,
mom’s favorite painting "The Black Velvet Jesus", and dad’s truck.
But when Armani gets to the shelter she gets new clothes and then when they get to the donut shop

she meets some of her family and then she can start back over.


 By the end of the story Armani has gotten some of her former life back. For example she gets her cousin, mother, brothers, sisters and friends back.
She meets her mom at a hospital and brother and cousin at her favorite donut shop. She is back in her home. Her uncle is there too. 

  In the end Armani's life gets better and it will continue to.



Thursday 22 January 2015

The Last Survivor Part 2

The loudspeaker started "This is not a prank, the zombie apocalypse has started. Please find everyone you can and meet in the nearest classroom." Steven stood there taking this is thinking this is not real why would they even do this. But he still went into the science room.

The Last Survivor (1-23-15 Makeup)

It was Wednesday. A normal day. Steven was walking around the hallways at school when he saw Marco his best friend. He stopped to say hi to him when he saw flashing red everywhere. It took him a second to realize it was a fire alarm. Then is stopped. Steven thought "Why in the world would they do that? Maybe it is a prank."

Tuesday 20 January 2015

The Escapade

Joey walked across the street a strange feeling flooded his body. Then he fell to the ground and everything went black. Then light flooded his eyes as he gets up slowly and looks around and sees nothing except black walls and floor. In the middle of the room was a glowing cube with had a strange circle on it. He walks to the cube and touchs it. He feels a sharp pain in his finger and jumps back. He tries to touch it again but this time it is fine. He stuffs if into his pocket, and everything goes black again.

Monday 19 January 2015

Crash Landing🚀

Kerbal Space a Program is a game which you run a space program on the planet Kerbin which is inhabited by creatures called kerbals. You sent them to space to basically meet there doom. Sometimes if they are lucky they can survive but mostly not. And hardly ever do they come back. Once I made a little rocket which was very small. It had to rockets on the sides and one on the bottom. It started out fine going up. It started slow but then I got up to about 20,000 meters. But then my fuel ran out. My astronaut Jebediah Kerman was spiraling towards the ground at a rapid speed. I put out my parachute but it had not activated yet so Jebediah was still falling. Just as he was about to meet his demise the parachute activated and he slowed down and the bottom of the rocket exploded but the cockpit still survived. Jebediah climbed out and I walked him back to the base which was very far away because the ship had crashed in the grasslands.

Monday 12 January 2015

Upside Down In The Middle Of Nowhere Literary Essay

  In the book Upside Down On The Middle Of Nowhere by Julie T. Lamana there is a girl named Armani. It it her birthday weekend but hurricane Katrina is about to hit. In the story Armani has to survive the storm. I think the moral of this story is that no matter how bad it gets it will get better.  
  In/Throughout the story Armani faces many loses, but then gets back on her feet in the end. For example Armani loses her grandma from not enough air and age, and her puppy, "Cricket, I want to name him cricket", brother, and dog go overboard on there roof, and there mom almost gets left on there roof, and also gets lost at the super dome. But Armani finds her mom at a hospital and her brother and best friend at a donut shop. This shows that things will get somewhat better.
  Also in the story Armani loses everything she has including family,  home, and prized possessions. For example she loses all her possessions that she knows very well and loves. She loses her birthday cake, moms favorite painting "The Black Velvet Jesus", and dads truck. But when Armani gets to the shelter she gets new clothes and then when they get to the donut shop she meets some of her family and then she can start back over.
  By the end of the story Armani has gotten some of her former life back. For example she gets her cousin, mother, brothers, sisters and friends back. She meets her mom at a hospital and brother and cousin at her favorite donut shop. She is back in her home. Her uncle is there too.
  In the end Armani's life gets better and it will continue to.


Friday 9 January 2015

Grammar 1-9-15

3b Frying his body all day/Jacob Johnson got a horrible sunburn/by afternoon because the cheap suntan lotion from his brother

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Wonder Literary Essay

In Wonder by R.J Palacio there is a boy named August who has a genetic facial disorder and he was homeschooled until 5th grade when he goes to school for the first time. I think the theme is that it's not what you look like but it's what's on the inside
  Throughout the story August makes lots of friends that would help him no matter what. For example one of August's friends named Amos fights for him when some bully's are attacking him and his friend Jack. It shows he grew socially and made friends for life.
  Also in the story August has a war with a bully named Julian who is a jerk to August. Julian would leave mean notes in August's locker and make fun of him, but he had lots of friends to help him and they won the war. It shows that August has become stronger and now has lots of bravery and doesn't care what people think of his face.
  By the end of the story August doesn't care about his face. He laughs at jokes about it and laughs when a kid says "Woah!" when he walks by. It shows how much August has grown.
  August knows that it not what's on the outside its what's on the inside. This is like real life because there are kids that have things like this in real life and people judge them because of it. At the end of the story Auggie gets a kindness award "So will August Pullman please come up and get the award"