Monday 19 January 2015

Crash Landing🚀

Kerbal Space a Program is a game which you run a space program on the planet Kerbin which is inhabited by creatures called kerbals. You sent them to space to basically meet there doom. Sometimes if they are lucky they can survive but mostly not. And hardly ever do they come back. Once I made a little rocket which was very small. It had to rockets on the sides and one on the bottom. It started out fine going up. It started slow but then I got up to about 20,000 meters. But then my fuel ran out. My astronaut Jebediah Kerman was spiraling towards the ground at a rapid speed. I put out my parachute but it had not activated yet so Jebediah was still falling. Just as he was about to meet his demise the parachute activated and he slowed down and the bottom of the rocket exploded but the cockpit still survived. Jebediah climbed out and I walked him back to the base which was very far away because the ship had crashed in the grasslands.

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